Kata Kunci:
Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja, PuskesmasAbstrak
Latar Belakang Masalah : Program Kesematan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) Puskesmas belum sepenuhnya dilaksanakan, seperti belum siapnya Pengenalan Potensi Bahaya, Penerapan Kewaspadaan Standar, Penerapan Prinsip Ergonomi, Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Berkala, Pemberian Imunisasi, Pembudayaan PHBS, Pengolahan Sarana dan Prasarana Dari Aspek K3, Pengolahan Peralatan Medis dari Aspek K3, Kesiapan Menghadapi Darurat atau Bencana Termasuk Kebakaran, Pengelolaan B3 dan Limbah B3, Pengelolaan Limbah Domestik. Tujuan : Untuk mengevaluasi pelaksanaan program K3 Puskemas. Metode : Artikel ini menggunakan metode pendekatan literature review dengan desain studi kualitatif. Artikel ini melalui database elektronik secara sistematis di Google Scholar dan PubMed menggunakan kata kunci (program evaluation, accupational safety health and Public health center. Hasil : berdasarkan hasil ekstraksi data dari search engine metode Google Scholar dan PubMed terdapat 15 jurnal dipilih berdasarkan kriteria ekstraksi inklusi. Evaluasi pelaksanaan program K3 di Puskesmas terdiri dari beberapa kegiatan seperti meliputi Komitmen dan Kebijakan Kepala Puskesmas, adanya SK Kepala Puskesmas, dokumen tertulis Rencana K3 dalam bentuk rencana kerja tahunan, adanya dukungan sumber daya, tingkat kepatuhan pelaksanaan K3, pembudayaan K3 melalui pemenfaatan SOP, pengelolaan limbah angka kecelakaan kerja, angka penyakit akibat kerja (PAK), pelayanan kesehatan kerja dan tanggap darurat. Kesimpulan : Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Program Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) di Puskesmas Kabupaten OKU akan efektif jika pelaksanaanya jelas dan konsisten. Adanya Sumber Daya Manusia dalam pelaksanaan progam Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Puskesmas dan Sarana dan Prasarana yang memadai. Keberhasilan implementasi kebijakan tanpa adanya SDM dan Sarana dan Prasarana tidak akan berjalan. Maka dari itu perlu evaluasi agar progam K3 dapat ditingkatkan secara berkesinambung sesuai dengan risiko yang teridentifikasi, tetap lakukan pencatatan, pemantauan, evaluasi serta pelaporan.
Introduction : The Community Health Center's Occupational Safety and Health (K3) program has not been fully implemented, such as the introduction of potential hazards, application of standard precautions, application of ergonomic principles, periodic health checks, provision of immunizations, promoting PHBS, processing of facilities and infrastructure from the K3 aspect, is not yet ready. Processing of Medical Equipment from the K3 Aspect, Preparedness for Emergency or Disaster Including Fire, Management of B3 and Hazardous Waste, Management of Domestic Waste. Objective: To evaluate the implementation of the Puskesmas K3 program. Method : This article uses a literature review approach with a qualitative study design. This article was systematically processed through electronic databases on Google Scholar and PubMed using the keywords (program evaluation, occupational safety health and public health center. Results : Based on the results of data extraction from the Google Scholar and PubMed search engines, 15 journals were selected based on inclusion extraction criteria. Evaluation of the implementation of the K3 program at the Community Health Center consists of several activities such as including the Commitment and Policy of the Head of the Community Health Center, the existence of a Decree from the Head of the Community Health Center, a written document of the K3 Plan in the form of an annual work plan, the existence of resource support, the level of compliance with the implementation of K3, the culture of K3 through the use of SOPs, management waste, work accident rates, work-related disease (PAK) rates, occupational health services and emergency response. Conclusion : Evaluation of the Implementation of the Occupational Safety and Health (K3) Program at the OKU District Health Center will be effective if the implementation is clear and consistent. The existence of Human Resources in the implementation of the Public Health Center Occupational Safety and Health program and adequate Facilities and Infrastructure. Successful implementation of policies without human resources and facilities and infrastructure will not work. Therefore, evaluation is needed so that the K3 program can be continuously improved in accordance with identified risks, continuing to record, monitor, evaluate and report.