
  • Trivira Dekotyanti Universitas Malahayati
  • Dessy Hermawan Universitas Malahayati
  • Khoidar Amirus Universitas Malahayati

Kata Kunci:

Pendidikan Ibu, Riwayat Asi, Paparan Asap Rokok, Berat Bayi Lahir, Infeksi, Sanitasi


Kekurangan gizi dihubungkan dengan kekurangan vitamin mineral. Survei status Gizi Indonesia tahun 2022 prevalensi status gizi balita stunting 21,6%, wasting 7,7%, underweight 17,1%, dan overweight 3,5%. Jenis penelitian ini kuantitatif dilakukan dengan mengukur BB/TB balita dengan rancangan desain case control, untuk mencari hubungan faktor resiko terhadap status gizi dengan 172 responden, 43 kasus dan 129 kontrol di Puskesmas Rajabasa Indah, pengumpulan data primer questioner dan sekunder melihat buku KIA responden, kemudian dianalisis dengan analisa univariat, bivariat dan multivariate. Hasil penelitian kelompok kasus presentase gizi kurang lebih tinggi pada pendidikan rendah 72,1%, tidak asi Ekslusif 60,5%, BBL <2,5 kg 87,5%, riwayat infeksi 60%, tidak terpapar asap rokok 69,2%, sanitasi tinggal dilingkungan kotor 79,1%, sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol presentase gizi baik tinggi pada pendidikan tinggi 86%, riwayat asi ekslusif 60,5%, BBL >2,5 kg 85,1%, tidak terpapar infeksi 89,3%, paparan asap rokok 75,3%, sanitasi tinggal dilingkungan bersih 94,6%. Terdapat hubungan pendidikan ibu rendah (p= 0.001), Riwayat Pemberian Asi tidak ekslusif (p= 0,027), BBL <2,5 kg (p= 0,000), Riwayat terpapar Infeksi (p= 0,000), Sanitasi lingkungan kotor (p= 0,000) dengan status gizi kurang, Faktor resiko paling besar terhadap status gizi yaitu Sanitasi 82,292 pada balita yang tinggal di lingkungan kotor daripada lingkungan bersih. Saran bagi Puskesmas diharapkan lebih memperhatikan kebersihan di wilayah tersebut dan meningkatkan edukasi mengenai sanitasi, bagi peneliti selanjutnya bisa melakukan penelitian di posyandu yang diadakan dirumah warga agar lebih kondusif, bagi Masyarakat bisa menjadi sumber informasi yang baik

Malnutrition is associated with vitamin and mineral deficiencies. The 2022 Indonesian Nutritional Status Survey found that the prevalence of stunting in toddlers was 21.6%, wasting 7.7%, underweight 17.1%, and overweight 3.5%. This type of quantitative research was conducted by measuring BB/TB of toddlers with a case control design, to find the relationship between risk factors and nutritional status with 172 respondents, 43 cases and 129 controls at the Rajabasa Indah Health Center, primary data collection using questionnaires and secondary data by looking at the respondents' KIA books, then analyzed using univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis. The results of the case group study showed that the percentage of less than adequate nutrition was higher in low education 72.1%, not exclusively breastfed 60.5%, BBL <2.5 kg 87.5%, history of infection 60%, not exposed to cigarette smoke 69.2%, sanitation living in a dirty environment 79.1%, while in the control group the percentage of good nutrition was high in higher education 86%, history of exclusive breastfeeding 60.5%, BBL> 2.5 kg 85.1%, not exposed to infection 89.3%, exposure to cigarette smoke 75.3%, sanitation living in a clean environment 94.6%.  There is a relationship between low maternal education (p = 0.001), History of non-exclusive breastfeeding (p = 0.027), BBL <2.5 kg (p = 0.000), History of exposure to infection (p = 0.000), Dirty environmental sanitation (p = 0.000) with poor nutritional status, The biggest risk factor for nutritional status is Sanitation 82.292 in toddlers who live in dirty environments than clean environments. Suggestions for the Health Center are expected to pay more attention to cleanliness in the area and increase education about sanitation, for further researchers they can conduct research at the integrated health post held in residents' homes to be more conducive, for the community it can be a good source of information.


