Analisis Produktivitas Pada Proses Produksi Pia Apel Permata Agro Mandiri Kota Batu dan Keripik Pisang Aurasfua Malang


  • Panji Deoranto Universitas Brawijaya
  • Isti Purwaningsih Universitas Brawijaya
  • Wendra G. Rohmah Universitas Brawijaya
  • Riska Septifani Universitas Brawijaya
  • Revaldo Agga Novandra Universitas Brawjaya
  • Achmad Zaki Rabbani Universitas Brawijaya

Kata Kunci:

Apple Pia, Banana Chips, Productivity Analysis, American Productivity Center, Green Productivity


Apples and bananas are fruits that are abundant in Indonesia, especially in East Java. The utilization of processed apples and bananas is increasingly diverse in the market ranging from cider drinks, apple cakes, apple chips, banana jam, candied bananas, banana sponge and so on. Apples and bananas have a short shelf life so product handling is needed to extend the shelf life and economic value. One way and food innovation is to process apples into apple pies and bananas into banana chips produced by CV. Permata Agro Mandiri and CV Aurasufa. The increasing demand for apple pies and banana chips causes the company to need a strategy to meet this demand, namely by increasing productivity. The purpose of this study was to analyze the productivity level of the apple pia and banana chips production process at CV. Permata Agro Mandiri and CV Aurasufa and provide alternative solutions as an effort to increase productivity in both industries. This research uses the American Productivity Center (APC) and Green Productivity strategies.


