Kata Kunci:
Kurikulum Diferensiasi, Lingkungan Adaptif, Pendidikan InklusiAbstrak
Pembelajaran berdiferensiasi secara sederhana didefinisikan sebagai instruksi yang dibuat dengan mempertimbangkan kebutuhan dan fitur belajar unik setiap peserta didik. Pembelajaran yang diterapkan dengan pendekatan diferensiasi bertujuan membantu setiap peserta didik dengan kebutuhan belajar, bakat, dan minat yang berbeda-beda. Pada dasarnya, keberhasilan proses pembelajaran dapat lebih maksimal tercapai dengan menerapkan pendekatan pembelajaran yang berdiferensiasi. Pembelajaran yang berdiferensiasi akan membantu mengoptimalkan pengembangan bakat dan minat peserta didik. Kurikulum diferensiasi adalah metode pengajaran yang dibuat untuk mewadahi kemampuan dan kesiapan menambah pengetahuan serta wawasan kepada peserta didik inklusi. Sehingga, terciptalah lingkungan adaptif untuk mencapai potensi peserta didik merupakan tujuan utama. Implementasi pembelajaran berdiferensiasi membutuhkan pengalaman, waktu, dan usaha. Dengan demikian, Metode ini dapat membantu peserta didik lebih memahami potensi belajarnya dan memotivasi mereka untuk belajar lebih aktif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa penerapan kurikulum berdiferensiasi dan lingkungan adaptif. Analisa penerapan kurikulum berdiferensiasi dan lingkungan adaptif pada permasalahan yang ada di sekolah. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode observasi dan deskriptif.
Differentiated learning is simply defined as a process created by considering the unique learning needs and features of each learner. Learning implemented with a differentiation approach aims to help each student with different learning needs, talents and interests. Basically, the success of the learning process can be achieved optimally by implementing a differentiated learning approach. Differentiated learning will help optimize the development of students' talents and interests. The differentiation curriculum is a teaching method created to accommodate the ability and readiness to increase knowledge and insight for inclusive students. So that an adaptive environment is created to achieve students' potential, which is the main goal. Implementing differentiated learning requires experience, time and effort. Thus, this method can help students better understand their learning potential and motivate them to learn more actively. The aim of this research is to determine and analyze differentiated and environmentally adaptive curriculum policies. Analysis of the application of a differentiated and environmentally adaptive curriculum to existing problems in schools. The method used in this research is observation and descriptive methods.
Differentiated learning is simply defined as a process created by considering the unique learning needs and features of each learner. Learning implemented with a differentiation approach aims to help each student with different learning needs, talents and interests. Basically, the success of the learning process can be achieved optimally by implementing a differentiated learning approach. Differentiated learning will help optimize the development of students' talents and interests. The differentiation curriculum is a teaching method created to accommodate the ability and readiness to increase knowledge and insight for inclusive students. So that an adaptive environment is created to achieve students' potential, which is the main goal. Implementing differentiated learning requires experience, time and effort. Thus, this method can help students better understand their learning potential and motivate them to learn more actively. The aim of this research is to determine and analyze differentiated and environmentally adaptive curriculum policies. Analysis of the application of a differentiated and environmentally adaptive curriculum to existing problems in schools. The method used in this research is observation and descriptive methods.